BioTech-Biggest abuse of technology ever perpetrated

In the Summer 2004 issue of the Duluth Seaway Port Authority, a Port of Duluth marketing director said, “I’m not sure people fully realize the magnitude [genetically modified] wheat would have had on the Port … It absolutely would have killed wheat shipments out of the Port of Duluth.”

How the CIA Manipulates the Media

In the 1950s, in order to promote anti-communism, the CIA started a worldwide propaganda operation to discredit and suppress anything left wing and to showcase the fabulous right wing.

Evolution From Space: Update

All the Panspermia action is taking place in India these days. Panspermia is the theory that life is not indigenous to planets but rather arrives from space through various means …

World’s Greatest CIA Hoaxes

A hoax is a fake event staged as though it were real: in other words, theater. There have been some great ones. We think here particularly of Michael Mourre (who had no CIA connection) stepping to the altar of the Notre Dame Cathedral during Easter High Mass, dressed as a Franciscan Monk, and announcing that God is dead.

Halton Arp and the pictures that disprove the Big Bang

A strong argument can be made against the Big Bang theory based on the two pictures shown in this article. They are different images of exploding spiral galaxy NGC 4319.

The JFK Assassination Considered as a CIA Operation

It is instructive to know that the CIA has often run operations that have directly conflicted with the United States government and its executive branch.

Newtons Apple didn’t fall – it was pushed

Gravity has a problem: no one knows why it works. Newton worked out how gravity worked, but he studiously never said why it worked.

Making the case against scientific dating methods

Any heretic who suggests a revision of the chronologies of ancient history or archeology is pooh-poohed by establishment scientists. Three main scientific dating methods that we have room to deal with here are radiocarbon dating, thermoluminescence, and stratigraphy. All are flawed.

Trippin’ Balls

Few writers have tackled the issues that surround tripping balls as lucidly as Terrence McKenna or Dr. Rick Strassman. The central question each wrestles with is the extent to which the psychedelic state imparts valid information.



An act of God, foreseeable by no one

Genetic engineering in agriculture provides a glorious goldmine of examples os science run amuck. Genetic engineering involves moving genetic material between species in the laboratory in ways that would never happen in nature.

How to spot a bastard in a lab coat

The most serious and pervasive of all misconceptions about evolution equates the concept with some notion of progress, usually inherent and predictable, and leading to human pinnacle.

Cavemen of the sea, part two

Science speaks best about what is proven. As a function of design, it is often unable to move beyond this minimally know quantity. And the culture of science tends to speak as if what’s proven is the whole story.

Crumpet-eaters with bad teeth for biotech

Regular readers may recall as we dropped a house on New Scientist magazine [“annotated GMO puff piece,” September 29, 2009] after they published a particularly worthless promotion of genetic engineering.

Consuming engineered food is almost officially mandatory

Regular readers of our column know that we think genetic engineering in agriculture is a terrible idea. In contrast to conventional plant breeding, genetic engineering is a process whereby an organism is altered in the laboratory by isolating, copying and multiplying genes or DNA.

GE crops: It’s the liability, stupid

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has decided to deregulate genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa. Their position is farmers should be allowed to grow what they want.

Hobbit opens Bigfoot door

On an Indonesian island, an extremely diminutive humanoid species has been identified from fossil remains only 12,000 years old. Once the sole purview of legend, these small skeletons were dubbed “Hobbits.”

A lexicon of blowhards

Beware your pop science essay collection, kids. Some of this whiz-bang stuff is paper-thin. Even John Brockman’s popular science book, The Third Culture – an otherwise laudable attempt to facilitate sharing between scientists and the public – perpetuates some of the worst ideas in the field.


Unlike many of the topics we examine, the GMO issue (and technology in general, but particularly the GMO issue) has real-world consequences and a huge political component. (Note: website listed above is no longer active – how rude.)



Caveman Sex

Interspecies dalliances seem to be common in the deep history of human evolution. Previously unthinkable in the corridors of academe, humans are now scientifically recognized as mutts resulting from various primates and hominids interbreeding for millions of years.

Recent Digest of Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals

Back in 2007, we started a file of references to antidepressants among the media we consume.

The Campaign to Save Wild Rice

History was made when Governor Pawlenty signed the Environment and Natural Resources Omnibus Finance bill into law. The bill contained provisions to protect natural lake and river wild rice from contamination by engineered genes.


the Richardson Brothers