We are a brother act. Jim, has a degree in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Allen, has a degree in International Relations from Antioch College and a Masters in Advocacy and Political Leadership. Our non-fiction column ‘Gonzo Science’ ran regularly between 2000 and 2013 in various regional outlets including The Ripsaw, The Readerand the Zenith City Weekly.  Gonzo Science has generated a print-on-demand book, a spoken-word rock album, stage and video projects, TV appearances, a web presence, newspaper editorials, and public events including an annual UFO Convention which we founded and produced for four years.

Our events are on hiatus so we can devote more time to our novel and an account of our adolescent use of psychedelics entitled The Acid Wars: A 1980s Boarding School Drug Memoir. Our fiction column ‘Novelty Theater’ has run bi-weekly in the Transistor Arts magazine since 2005, and this material has formed the basis of our novel manuscript. Jim has received recognition for his pioneering underwater photography and video in Lake Superior. Allen’s political activity makes the local news from time to time.

the Richardson Brothers
the Richardson Brothers
the Richardson Brothers